Thermomechanical analysis of a variable stiffness mechanism using thermoplastic and thermoelectric module for endoscopic applications
Seung-Won Kim
Domestic | Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea(COSEIK) Academic Symposium
Heat transfer analysis of a variable stiffness endoscope utilizing thermoplastic and thermoelectric device inside a large intestine
Seung-Won Kim*, Myoungju Kim, Juyeong Kim, and Jaehyeon Park
Domestic | The 16th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KROC)
Fast Replanning Mutli-Heuristic A*
Junhyoung Ha, Soonkyum Kim
ICRA 2021
Augmented Reality Assisted Surgical Navigation System for Epidural Needle Intervention
Sunghwan Lim, Junhyoung Ha, Seongmin Yoon, Young Tae Sohn, Joonho Seo, Jae Chul Koh, Deukhee Lee
43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)
힘센서 기반 임피던스 제어를 이용한 이송로봇의 파워어시스트
김동혁, 김계리, 인현기
제16회 한국로봇종합학술대회(KRoC 2021)
Shape Sensor Using Magnetic Induction with Frequency Sweeping for Medical Catheters
Jiyun Jeon, Chunwoo Kim
International | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021, pp. 7137-7143
A Hand-held Non-Robotic Controller of a Manipulator with Cable Guide for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Yonghyeok Kim, Jeongryul Kim, Yonghwan Moon, Keri Kim
International | 2021 18th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR)
Learning Heuristic A* : Efficient Graph Search Using Neural Network
Soonkyum Kim, Byungchul An
ICRA 2020
Variable Tumor Microenvironment-on-a-chip with Temporal Angiogenic Switching System by Diffusion Control
SungHyun Cho, HyungSeok Choi, JungEun Yang and SeungBeum Suh
International | EMBC, Online, 2020.7
Accurate estimation of the position and shape of the rolling joint in hyper-redundant manipulators
Jeongryul Kim, Yonghwan Moon, Seong-il Kwon, Keri Kim
International | 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Artificial Neural Network enabling Clinically Meaningful Biological Image Data Generation
Junhyoung Ha, Soonkyum Kim, YaeJun Baik, Dohee Lee, Woosub Lee and SeungBeum Suh
International | EMBC, Online, 2020.7
Development of a pneumatically-driven Growing Sling to assist patient transfer
J. Choi, S. Lee, J. Kim, M. Lee, K. Kim, and H. In,
IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
3D Pose and Curvature Estimation of Bendable Interventional Device using Single-view X-ray Image
Sunghwan Lim, Junhyoung Ha, Deukhee Lee
42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)
Design of Lizard-inspired Robot with Lateral Body Motion
Jeongryul Kim, Hongmin Kim, Youngsoo Kim, Hwa Soo Kim and Jongwon Kim
International | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, 2020.10
Thermomechanical characteristics of a shape memory polymer for a variable stiffness mechanism in medical applications
Seung-Won Kim
International | The 4th International Conference on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics(AMSM)
Modular and affordable power assist module for various physical care services
Seung-Won Kim
International | The 13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress(ISPRM)
A Thermal Stimulating Glove for Virtual Reality
Seung-Won Kim, Sung Hee Kim, and Youngsu Cha
International | 2019 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics(RoboSoft), Late Breaking Results
Analysis of Tensile∙Thermal Properties of Field’s metal for Design of Variable Stiffness Mechanism
Seung-Won Kim* and Ki Hun Kang
Domestic | The 14th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KROC)
A Thermal Stimulating Glove for Virtual Reality
Seung-Won Kim, Sung Hee Kim, Youngsu Cha
International | 2019 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics(RoboSoft), Seoul, Korea, 2019.4
수술로봇용 매니퓰레이터 실험장치의 설계 및 제작
문용환, 김정률, 권성일, 김계리
Domestic | 제어로봇시스템학회 학술대회 (ICROS), 경주, 2019.5
Modular and affordable power assist module for various physical care services
Seung-Won Kim
International | The 13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress(ISPRM), Kobe, Japan, 2019.6
Vascular Graph Structure Extraction Method in 2D/ 3D Angiographic Images
International | ACCAS 2019, 일본, 2019.11
Design and Fabrication of Transformable Head Structure for Endoscopic Catheters
Seong-il Kwon, Sara Van Kalker, Sung Hwa Choi, Keri Kim, Kyung Su Park, Sungchul Kang, Chunwoo Kim, Seok Chang Ryu
International | International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, 2019.5
Thermomechanical characteristics of a shape memory polymer for a variable stiffness mechanism in medical applications
Seung-Won Kim
International | The 4th International Conference on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics(AMSM), Songdo, Korea, 2019.10
Analysis of Tensile∙Thermal Properties of Field’s metal for Design of Variable Stiffness Mechanism
Seung-Won Kim, Ki Hun Kang
Domestic | The 14th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KROC), Pyeongchang, Korea, 2019.1
Development of Novel Bevel-Geared 5 mm Articulating Wrist for Micro-Laparoscopy Instrument
Jongwoo Kim, Hyung-Taeg Han, Sungchul Kang, Chunwoo Kim
International | IROS, Macau, 2019.11
Preliminary research on slim vibrotactile structure toward wearable navigation device for the visually impaired
MyungJoong Lee, Deukhee Lee, and HyunKi In
International | International Congress and Conferences on Computational Design and Engineering 2019 (I3CDE 2019), Malaysia(Penang), 2019.7
Development of Passive brake mechanism for braking of strap drive of soft wearable robot
Hyunki In, Kyu-Jin cho
Domestic | The 14th Korea robotic society annual conference(KROC2019), South Korea(Pyungchang)+F3, 2019.6
Steering a Multi-armed Robotic Sheath Using Eccentric Precurved Tubes
Jiaole Wang, Junhyoung Ha, Pierre E Dupont
International | International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, 2019.5
Variable Stiffness Mechanism with Low Melting Point Materials for Medical Applications
Seung-Won Kim
International | The 3rd International Workshop on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics(AMSM)
Design and Experiment of a Passive Sit-to-Stand and Walking (STSW) Assistance Device for the Elderly
Seung-Won Kim, Jiyeon Song, Seungbeum Suh, Woosub Lee, and Sungchul Kang
International | 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBC)
A Passive Sit-to-Stand & Walk Assistive Device for Indoor Movements of the Elderly
Seung-Won Kim, Jiyeon Song, Seungbeum Suh, Woosub Lee, and Sung-Chul Kang
Domestic | The 13th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference(KROC)
Intuitive Hand-held Instrument for Loose Body Removal in Arthroscopic Synovial Chondromatosis Surgery
Geunwoong Ryu, Dongyoung Kim, Chul Min Park, Keri Kim
International | Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Hawaii, 2018.7
Variable Stiffness Mechanism with Low Melting Point Materials for Medical Applications
Seung-Won Kim
International | The 3rd International Workshop on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics(AMSM, Daejeon, Korea, 2018.10
A Steerable Endoscope for Transnasal Skull Base Surgery
Seong-il Kwon, Geunwoong Ryu, Sungchul Kang, Keri Kim
International | Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Hawaii, 2018.7
Biomechanical effect of soft tissues in spinal musculoskeletal dynamics
Domestic | 한국CDE학회, 한국, 2018.1
4D Cardiac Motion Modeling Using Pair-Wise Mesh Registration
윤시엽(M),Stephen Baek,이득희(C)
International | Lecture notes in computer science, 독일, 2018.9
Raspberry pi blood vessel visualization device using NIR light
Domestic | Domestic | 한국CDE학회, 한국, 2018.1
Design and Experiment of a Passive Sit-to-Stand and Walking (STSW) Assistance Device for the Elderly
Seung-Won Kim, Jiyoen Song, Seungbeum Suh, Woosub Lee, Sungchul Kang
International | 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBC), Hawaii, USA, 2018.7
Mathematical Modeling of Bacteria-Enabled Drug Delivery System Penetration into Multicellular Tumor Spheroids
Suh, S, Leaman, E J, Zhan, Ying, Behkam, B
International | EMBC, Honolulu, 2018.7
Beyond the Static :4D Deformable Shape Modeling of Cardiac Structures
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and System), 한국, 2018.10
Deep blood vessel visualization over 10-mm depth using NIR light
Domestic | International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, 한국, 2018.6
Design and Experiment of a Passive Sit-to-Stand and Walking (STSW) Assistance Device for the elderly
Seung-Won Kim, Jiyoen Song, Seungbeum Suh, Woosub Lee, and Sungchul Kang
International | EMBC, Honolulu, 2018.
3D Pose Estimation of Catheter Band Markers based on Single-Plane Fluoroscopy
Domestic | International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, 한국, 2018.6
A Passive Sit-to-Stand & Walk Assistive Device for Indoor Movements of the Elderly
Seung-Won Kim, Ji-Yeon Song, Seungbeum Seo, Woo-Sub Lee, Sung-Chul Kang
Domestic | The 13th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference(KROC), Hoengseong, Korea, 2018.1
Cardiac Mapping Software for Cardiac Intervention Guide
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2018 동계학술대회 논문집, 한국, 2018.1
4D dynamic cardiac modeling based robot motion compensation method for cardiac intervention
Domestic | ICROS 2018, 한국, 2018.5
Development of a passive standing-up assistance device for the elderly
Jiyeon Song, Seung-Won Kim, Dong-Eun Choi, Gang-Tae Bae, Woosub Lee, Sung Chul Kang
International | The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent systems(MFI)
Omni-directional power-assist-modular(PAM) mobile robot for total nursing service system
Gang-Tae Bae, Seung-Won Kim, Dong-Eun Choi, Changhyun Cho, Woosub Lee, Sung Chul Kang
International | 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence(URAI)
Development of a weight compensational passive sit-to-stand assist device for the elderly
Jiyeon Song, Seung-Won Kim, Dong-Eun Choi, Gang-Tae Bae, Woosub Lee, Sung-Chul Kang
Domestic | The 12th Korean Robotics Society Annual Conference(KROC)
A study for non-rigid 2x2D-3D registration of coronary artery images using bifurcation points matching with bi-plane x-ray fluoroscopy
Domestic | URAI (International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence), 한국, 2017.6
Virtual Surgical Planning and Surgical Guide Design System for Mandibular Reconstruction Surgery
김한나(M),김영준(C),조현철,Jerome Charton,이득희,김래현,박세형,이정우
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2017 동계학술대회 Proceedings, 한국, 2017.2
3D surgical planning and analysis software for orbital fracture reconstruction
김영준(M),김현아,조현철,김선희,Jerome Charton,이득희,박세형(C),정우식,최종우
International | International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2017, 일본, 2017.1
Development of a weight compensational passive sit-to-stand assist device for the elderly
Ji-Yeon Song, Seung-Won Kim, Dong-Eun Choi, Gang-Tae Bae, Woo-Sub Lee, Sung-Chul Kang
Domestic | The 12th Korean Robotics Society Annual Conference(KROC), Pyeongchang, Korea, 2017.2
Development of surgical planning software for mandibular reconstruction using fibular flap
김영준(M),김한나,조현철,Jerome Charton,이득희,이정우,김래현(C)
International | Int J CARS (2017) 12 (Suppl 1), 독일, 2017.6
Omni-directional power-assist-modular(PAM) mobile robot for total nursing service system
Gang-Tae Bae, Seung-Won Kim, Dong Eun Choi, Changhyun Cho, Woosub Lee, Sung Chul Kang
International | 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence(URAI), Jeju, Korea, 2017.6
POC(Point Of Care) 서비스 지원을 위한 초광각-고해상도 카메라 및 레이저포인터 가이드 모듈 개발
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2017 동계학술대회 Proceedings, 한국, 2017.2
Coronary Artery Phase agreement of CT and X-ray angiogram images through Non-Rigid Registration
Domestic | 2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2017), 한국, 2017.10
Effect of path history on concentric tube robot model calibration
Junhyoung Ha, Georgios Fagogenis, Pierre E. Dupont
International | The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, 2017.6
Endoscopic Endonasal Skull base Surgery System
Seongil Kwon, Wooseok Choi, Geunwoong Ryu, Sungchul Kang, Keri Kim
International | International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intellegence(URAI), Jeju, 2017.7
Incorporating tube-to-tube clearances in the kinematics of concentric tube robots
Junhyoung Ha, Pierre E. Dupont
International | IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, 2017.5
Image-based Contact Stabilisation Inside the Beating Heart
Benoit Rosa, Georgios Fagogenis, Junhyoung Ha, Pierre E. Dupont
International | The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, 2017.6
Development of a passive standing-up assistance device for the elderly
Jiyeon Song, Seung-Won Kim, Dong Eun Choi, Gang-Tae Bae, Woosub Lee, Sung Chul Kang
International | The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent systems(MFI), Daegu, Korea, 2017.11
Laser beam steering system for epiduroscopic laser treatment : A feasibility study
Seong-il Kwon, Heechul Kim, Keri Kim
Stability of the Permanently Bent Plates Used in Mandibular Reconstructive Surgery
박시명(M),이득희,Jung-Woo Lee,김영준,김래현,노건우(C)
International | Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 미국, 2016.8
Automatic Multi-segmentation of Abdominal Organs by Level Set with Weighted Global and Local Forces
말린다 바니아(M),김선희,이득희(C)
International | IEEE EMBS ISC 2016, 캐나다, 2016.5
Development of a Finger-like Mechanism of End-Effector for Micro Surgery
Sangmyung Kim, Chulmin Park, Jeonghoon Yoo, Keri Kim
International | Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, 2016.
A study on optimal design of bone plate for the mandibular condyle neck fracture case
Domestic | 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 동계학술대회 논문집, 한국, 2016.1
Automatic heart isolation and vascular structure detection algorithm for CTA with anatomical information
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2016 부문연합학술대회 Proceedings, 한국, 2016.8
2D/3D registration method for a single X-ray image and 3D geometrical data of a whole leg
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2016 부문연합학술대회 Proceedings, 한국, 2016.8
Design of Manually Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator with Three Revolute Joints and Links
Seonghun HONG, Dongeun Choi, Sungchul Kang, Hyeongcheol Lee and Woosub Lee
International | IEEE International conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.5
Robotic needle guidance in endoscopic discectomy using multi-oriented X-ray fluoroscopic images
International | International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Application (ISGMA 2016), 인도네시아, 2016.6
Virtual C-arm Fluoroscopy
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2016 부문연합학술대회 Proceedings, 한국, 2016.8
Toward on-line parameter estimation of concentric tube robots using a mechanics-based kinematic model
Cheongjae Jang, Junhyoung Ha, Pierre E. Dupont, Frank C. Park
International | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 대전, 2016.10
Surgical planning simulation software for mandible reconstruction
김한나(M),김영준(C),조현철,심응준,Jerome Charton,김현아,이득희,김래현,박세형,이정우
Domestic | 한국 CDE학회 2016 부문연합학술대회 Proceedings, 한국, 2016.8
Enhanced Markerless Surgical Robotic Guidance System for Keyhole Neurosurgery
Domestic | ACDDE 2016 (Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering 2016), 한국, 2016.10
Automatic segmentation and user-friendly software techniques for virtual surgical planning of mandibular reconstruction
International | Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 미국, 2016.8
Expeditious Design Optimization of a Concentric Tube Robot with a Heat-shrink Plastic Tube
Domestic | IROS (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) 2016, 한국, 2016.10
On the stability of the permanently bent mini-plate in reconstructive surgery
Domestic | 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 동계학술대회 논문집, 한국, 2016.1
Registration of an X-ray image and CT data for three-dimensional analysis of whole leg
Domestic | ACDDE 2016 (Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering 2016), 한국, 2016.10
The Effect of Optical Marker Configuration on Tracking Accuracy in Image Guided Surgery
컨데이 메퀘아(M),김영준(C),조현철,이득희,박세형,이병훈,장기모,왕준호
International | Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 22, 미국, 2016.4
Development of a surgical navigation system for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
권성일, 김상명, 최동은, 이우섭, 강성철, 전인호
Domestic | 한국정밀공학회, 제주, 2015.5
A Method for Fluoroscopy Based Navigation System to Assist Needle Insertion Concerning Reduced Radiation Exposure for Endoscopic Disc Surgery
박진곤(M),윤현민,윤시엽,말린다 바니아,이득희(C)
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and System), 한국, 2015.10
Virtual Surgery Planning and Surgical Guide Design using Automatic Active Contour Segmentation for Maxillofacial Reconstruction Surgery
Domestic | International BioMedical Engineering Conference, 한국, 2015.11
Active Contour Segmentation using Level Set Function with Enhanced Image from Prior Intensity
International | IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 미국, 2015.8
Markerless Surgical Robotic System for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Surgery
International | IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 미국, 2015.8
On the Selection of the Loads in a Multistep Time Integration Method
International | Civil-Comp Proceedings, 영국, 2015.9
Design and Evaluation of Markerless Neurosurgical Robotic Guidance System
International | ACCAS2015, 싱가포르, 2015.7
Development of a surgical navigation system for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
김영준(M),조현철,컨데이 메퀘아,이득희,박세형(C),이병훈,금동호,왕준호
International | CARS 2015: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 스페인, 2015.5
Pre-operative Planning Platform for RF Hyperthermia Treatment System: From Patient Modeling to Electrode Positioning Guide
Domestic | International BioMedical Engineering Conference 2014 (IBEC 2014), 한국, 2014.11
Optimizing curvature sensor placement for fast, accurate shape sensing of continuum robots
Beobkyoon Kim, Junhyoung Ha, Frank C. Park, Pierre E. Dupont
International | IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, 2014.5
Achieving elastic stability of concentric tube robots through optimization of tube precurvature
Junhyoung Ha, Frank C. Park, Pierre E. Dupont
International | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, 2014.9
Preliminary Study of Utilizing Plastic Tubes as a Component of Continuum Robots
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and System), 한국, 2014.10
The Needle Guide Device Calibration for Markerless ICH Surgical Robotic System
Domestic | 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회, 한국, 2014.2
Surgical Navigation System for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
컨데이 메퀘아(M),김영준(C),조현철,이득희,박세형,이은수,이병훈,왕준호
Domestic | International BioMedical Engineering Conference 2014 (IBEC 2014), 한국, 2014.11
Design of Variable Release Torque-based Compliant Spring-clutch and Torque Estimation
Jushin Seok, Sungchul Kang and Woosub Lee
International | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, USA, 2014.9
Robotic guide system for reducing human alignment error in computer-assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
International | CARS 2014: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 일본, 2014.6
Development of Surgical Navigation System for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Domestic | 한국CAD/CAM학회논문집 = Transactions of the society of CAD/CAM engineers, 한국, 2014.2
Joint Configuration Strategy for Serial-chain Safe Manipulators
Seonghun Hong, Woosub Lee, Changhyun Cho, Sungchul Kang* and Hyeongcheol Lee
International | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, USA, 2014.9
Neurosurgical Robotic Guidance System using Visual Servoing
International | ACCAS2014, 일본, 2014.6
Development of 3-Dimensional Surgical Planning and Navigation System of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Domestic | 대한정형외과 컴퓨터수술학회, 한국, 2014.9
Automatic Segmentation of Leg Bones by Using Active Contours
International | IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 미국, 2014.8
A Phantom Study on the Propagation of NIR Rays under the Skin for Designing a Novel Vein-Visualizing Device
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and System), 한국, 2013.10
A new optical coherence tomography system guided by active cannulas
International | International Journal of Computer Radiology and Surgery, 독일, 2013.6
Human Cognitive Ability: Visual Orientation Perception in Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Domestic | 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 2013 학술대회 논문집, 한국, 2013.6
Hardware Development of Simulator for Arthroscopic Surgical Training
Domestic | 2013년도 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2013.5
Research on Hand-Eye Coordination in Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Domestic | 2013년도 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2013.5
A New Method for Robotic calibration of HIFU Transducer
Domestic | 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013), 한국, 2013.10
Automatic Segmentation Method for Facial Skin on Computed Tomography Image
Domestic | 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 2013 학술대회 논문집, 한국, 2013.6
Image-guided handheld HIFU treatment system based on real-time tracking of ultrasound imaging probe and HIFU probe
Domestic | 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013), 한국, 2013.10
3D Preoperative Surgical Planning Software for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and System), 한국, 2013.10
Markerless Surgical Robotic System for Intracerebral Hemorrhage(ICH) Surgery: Tool Calibration and Its Evaluation
International | ACCAS2013, 일본, 2013.9
Needle Calibration for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Surgical Robotic System
Domestic | 2013년도 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2013.5
Non-Invasive Patient Registration Based on 3D Feature Points of Vein
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and System), 한국, 2013.10
3D Preoperative Planning of Robotic Intracerebral Hematoma (ICH) Removal Surgery
International | Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, 일본, 2012.12
Markerless patient-image registration for ICH surgery using weighted ICP
Domestic | 한국CAD/CAM학회논문집 = Transactions of the society of CAD/CAM engineers, 한국, 2012.2
3D Position and Rotation Tracking of Multiple Laparoscopic Surgical Instruments Using Single Camera
Domestic | 2012년도 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2012.6
A Novel, Robust Method of Measuring IMT(intima-media thickness) Using Graph Cut and Snake Model in Ultrasound Imaging
Domestic | ICCAS(International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems) 2012, 한국, 2012.10
Technologizing and Digitalizing of Medical Professional Skills for a Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System - Technologizing and Digitalizing Kidney Stone Extraction Skills
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),이득희,Joonho Seo,Takakazu Funamoto,Akira Nomiya,Akira Ishikawa,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Naohiko Sugita,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Yukio Homma,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | Proc. of 2012 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, 미국, 2012.6
Virtual laparoscopic cholecystectomy training simulator
김영준(M),Frederick Roy,이승빈,이득희,박세형(C)
International | World Congress 2012 Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 중국 (본토), 2012.5
Markerless Registration for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Surgical System using Weighted Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
International | EMBC 2012, 미국, 2012.8
Development of Haptic Hardware Device for Laparoscopic Surgical Training
Domestic | 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 2012년도 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2012.6
Weighted ICP (Iterative Closest Point) for ICH (Intracerebral Hemorage) Surgical System
Domestic | 2012년도 대한기계학회 IT융합부문 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2012.6
Open Source based Preoperative 3D Planning and Simulation Software Platform for Robot-assisted Surgery
Domestic | 한국정밀공학회 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2012.5
Intensity-based visual servoing for non-rigid motion compensation of soft tissue structures due to physiological motion using 4D ultrasound
이득희(MC),알렉산드 크루파
International | IROS 2011, 미국, 2011.9
3D Positional and Rotational Tracking of Laparoscopic Surgery Instruments
Domestic | HCI 2011, 한국, 2011.1
Development of a Cost-Effective Haptic System for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation
노바 에카 다이아나(MC),김영준, 이득희,박세형
International | 2011 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, 중국 (본토), 2011.8
복강경을 이용한 담낭절제술 가상 훈련 시뮬레이션 구현을 위한 담관의 변형 모델링 및 수술조작 모사기법
김영준(MC),Frederick Roy,이득희,박세형
Domestic | 대한의료로봇학회 학술대회, 한국, 2011.10
3D Tracking of Surgical Instruments Using a Single Camera for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation
International | MMVR 18, 미국, 2011.2
Robust kidney stone tracking for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system -servoing performance and safety enhancement-
노리히로 고이즈미(MC),서준호,이득희,다카카즈 후나모토,아키라 노미야,키요시 요시나카,나오히코 스기타,유키오 혼마,요이치로 마츠모토,마모루 미쯔이시
International | 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 중국 (본토), 2011.5
Multiple points' 3D localization using a single camera
Domestic | HCI2010 Proceedings, 한국, 2010.1
Mesh-to-mesh collision detection by ray tracing for medical simulation with deformable bodies
김영준(MC),구상옥,이득희,김래현,박 세형
International | Cyberworlds2010, 싱가포르, 2010.10
Multi-model Structure and Mapping Method of Liver Model for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation
Domestic | 한국정밀공학회 2010 년도 춘계학술대회, 한국, 2010.5
Framework of US-guided therapeutic HIFU system for renal diseases
서준호(M),노리히로 고이즈미,이득희,나오히코 스기타,키오시 요시나카,아키라 노미야,Yukio Homma,요이치로 마츠모토,마모루 미쯔이시
International | ICCAS 2010 Workshop for MICCAI 2010, The MIDAS Journal - Computer Assisted Intervention, 중국 (본토), 2010.9
Simulation system for minimally invasive surgical training
Domestic | 제2차 대한의료로봇학회, 한국, 2009.9
A control framework for the non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
노리히로 고이즈미(MC),서준호,유고 스즈키,이득희, 코헤이 오타,아키라 노미야,신 요시자와,키요시 요시나카,나오히코 스즈키,요이치로 마쯔모토,유키오 혼마,마모루 미쯔이시
International | The 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 미국, 2009.10
Hybrid Simulation for Laparoscopic Surgery
Domestic | 2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology Proceedings, 한국, 2009.12
Development of the integrated non-invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),Kohei Ota,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 제1회 시스템질환생명과학에 의한 선단의료기술개발 심포지움, 일본, 2008.2
Ultrasound-Based Diagnostic and Therapeutic System
International | 동경대학교 공과대학, 일본, 2008.8
Experiments on the 3 D Tracking and Destroying Stone by the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
International | 제 26회 일본 로봇학회학술강연회, 일본, 2008.9
비침습초음파 진단·치료 통합시스템
International | 동경대학메디칼큐브 주최 선단의료개발연구 심포지움, 일본, 2008.1
Real-Time Tracking of Ultrasound-Based Stone Treatment System
이득희(MC),Norihiro KOIZUMI,Kohei OTA,Kiyoshi YOSHINAKA,Yoichiro MATSUMOTO,Mamoru MITSUISHI
International | 제1회 시스템질환생명과학에 의한 선단의료기술개발 심포지움, 일본, 2008.2
A Controller by Using Notch filter for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),이득희,Kohei Ota,Shin Yoshizawa,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 8th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, 미국, 2008.9
Experiments of the Tracking and Destroying Stone with the Integrated System of Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment
Kohei Ota(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 2008년도 정밀공학회 춘계대회, 일본, 2008.3
Construction Methodology for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
International | 일본기계학회 로보틱스 메카트로닉스 08 강연회, 일본, 2008.6
놋치필터를 이용한 비침습초음파진단 및 치료통합시스템의 제어계
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),이득희,Kohei Ota,Shin Yoshizawa,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 2008년도정밀공학회춘계대회, 일본, 2008.9
Real-time & Robust Tracking of Renal Stones on HIFU Lithotripsy
이득희(MC),Norihiro KOIZUMI,Kohei OTA,Kiyoshi YOSHINAKA,Yoichiro MATSUMOTO,Mamoru MITSUISHI
International | 일본기계학회 로보틱스 메카트로닉스 2008 강연회, 일본, 2008.6
Ultrasound-based Robust Tracking of Renal Stones in Clutter Environment
International | 2008년도 정밀공학회 춘계대회, 일본, 2008.3
Ultrasound-Based Motion Cancelation of an Inner Target of the Body
이득희(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,Kohei Ota,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 8th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, 미국, 2008.9
A Framework of the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Theragnostic System
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),이득희,Kohei Ota,Shin Yoshizawa,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | Proc. of Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR) 2008, 일본, 2008.8
A Study on Technologizing and Digitalization of Skills in Medical Ultrasound Diagnosis and Therapy
International | 일본기계학회 2007년도 연차대회, 일본, 2007.9
Development of a Non-Invasive Ultrasound Therapy System
Mamoru Mitsuishi(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,Kohei Ota,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Yukio Kaneko,Yoichiro Matsumoto
International | 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Mechatronics, 미국, 2007.5
Extracorporeal Real-Time 3D Tracking of Kidney Stones using Ultrasound RF Echo Signals
이득희(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,Kohei Ota,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Itoh,Kiyoshi Yoshinaka,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 제25회 일본로봇학회 학술대회, 일본, 2007.9
A Framework of the Feed-Forward Controller of the Integrated System for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),Kohei Ota,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Yukio Kaneko,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
Domestic | 7th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, 한국, 2007.5
Real-Time Respiration Data Acquisition for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment System
Ota Kohei(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 2007년도 정밀공학회 춘계대회, 일본, 2007.5
Feed-Forward Control for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnostic and Treatment System
Norihiro Koizumi(MC),Kohei Ota,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Itoh,Yoishiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 2007년도 정밀공학회 춘계대회, 일본, 2007.5
Decomposing and Reconstructing Required Functions to Construct the Integrated System for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment
International | 제25호 일본로봇학회학술강연회, 일본, 2007.9
Ultrasound-based Visual Servoing System for Lithotripsy
이득희(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,,Kohei Ota,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Yukio Kaneko,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | Proc. of 2007 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robotics and Systems, 미국, 2007.11
Stone Motion Tracking for the Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment System
International | 2007년도 정밀공학회 춘계대회, 일본2007.5
Feedforward control utilizing real-time information of the integrated system for non invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment
International | 일본기계학회 로보틱스메카트로닉스07 강연회, 일본, 2007.5
Ultrasound-based visual servoing system for lithotripsy
이득희(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,Kohei Ota,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Yukio Kaneko,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 7th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound, 미국, 2007.6
Kidney Stone Tracking Framework Using Ultrasonic Radio Frequency Echo Signal
International | 일본기계학회 로보틱스메카트로닉스07 강연회, 일본, 2007.5
Real-time 3D tracking of kidney stones using ultrasound RF echo signals
International | 일본기계학회 2007년도연차대회, 일본, 2007.9
Development of an integrated system for non-invasive ultrasound diagnosis and treatment
Kohei Ota(MC),Norihiro Koizumi,이득희,Shin Yoshizawa,Akira Ito,Yoichiro Matsumoto,Mamoru Mitsuishi
International | 제15회 일본컴퓨터외과학회 대회, 일본, 2006.10
Design of Controller and its Servoing Performance of the Integrated System for Non-Invasive Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment
International | 제24회 일본로봇학회 학술강연회, 일본, 2006.9
A Study of Autonomous Model Tracking in Sequential Ultrasound Images
International | 24th Annual Conf. on Robotics Society of Japan, 일본, 2006.7
Design and implementation of multimodal simulation in interactive immersive virtual environment
Domestic | 2005 The first Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing, 한국, 2005.8
Event-driven Motional Objects for 3D e-catalog System
Domestic | The 5th Korea-Israel Bi-National Conference on Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics, 한국, 2004.10
Method for Generating 3D-Viewing Window for Web-based E-catalog
International | 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, 미국, 2004.11
Development of e-catalog Manager for a Web-based e-catalog System
International | 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 이탈리아, 2004.7